STM32 / Nucleo

steps I took to get stm32nucleo mb1136 C-03 running in Arduion IDE on OSX 10.10 Yosemite




read the docs

dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libusb-1.0.0.dylib

"I got past the libusb issue with an OSX package here:"


it is possible to use 2 SPI ports: Using the first SPI port (SPI_1) SS <--> PA4 <--> BOARD_SPI1_NSS_PIN SCK <--> PA5 <--> BOARD_SPI1_SCK_PIN MISO <--> PA6 <--> BOARD_SPI1_MISO_PIN MOSI <--> PA7 <--> BOARD_SPI1_MOSI_PIN

Using the second SPI port (SPI_2)
SS    <-->  PB12 <-->  BOARD_SPI2_NSS_PIN
SCK   <-->  PB13 <-->  BOARD_SPI2_SCK_PIN
MISO  <-->  PB14 <-->  BOARD_SPI2_MISO_PIN
MOSI  <-->  PB15 <-->  BOARD_SPI2_MOSI_PIN