Micro3D printer
communicates over Virtual COM/Serial with 115200 bps.
collected info by using JetBrains dotPeek.
(0x53) returns 768 bytes of data stored in the Atmega EEPROM:ç··x>·PE!Ô··ffÊ>‚ˇb?ˆ·°æÿ8\>é"î晥Nø"···Bn·················································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································································±Ó√··)\7A····································Ù·ûWôC·GR15051501100055·
The seemingly raw data contains some interesting settings. You can see your serial number at the end. The list below contains the start position of the variable in the EEPROM followed by it's meaning (they are mostly 4 byte integers).
0: FirmwareVersion 4: FirmwareCRC 8: LastRecordedZValue 12: BacklashX 16: BacklashY 20: BedCompensationBackRight 24: BedCompensationBackLeft 28: BedCompensationFrontLeft 32: BedCompensationFrontRight 36: SpoolRecordID 40: FilimentTypeID 41: FilimentTemperature 42: FilamentAmount 46: BacklashExpansionXPlus 50: BacklashExpansionYLPlus 54: BacklashExpansionYRPlus 58: BacklashExpansionYRMinus 62: BacklashExpansionZ 66: BacklashExpansionE 70: ZCalibrationBLO 74: ZCalibrationBRO 78: ZCalibrationFRO 82: ZCalibrationFLO 86: ZCalibrationZO 689: HeaterCalibrationMode 690: XMotorCurrent 692: YMotorCurrent 694: ZMotorCurrent 696: HardwareStatus 698: HeaterTemperatureMeasurement_B 704: HoursCounterSpooler 726: XAxisStepsPerMM 730: YAxisStepsPerMM 734: ZAxisStepsPerMM 738: EAxisStepsPerMM 742: SavedZState 744: ExtruderCurrent 746: HeaterResistance_M 751: SerialNumber
send 'M115 ' (or other M codes) returns 'B004'.
looking at the sourcecode 'B001' and 'B5' are also possible return values.
looking at the source the Micro3D seems to have 2 modes: Bootloader-mode and Firmware-mode.
GetCRCFromChip: sending 'CA' returns 4 bytes (0x45 0x50 0x1A 0x3E) which is some kind of CRC check of the chip. These 4 bytes are parsed to an Integer: 1162877502
EraseChip: sending 'E' erases the EEPROM.
SetAddress: sending 'A' followed by two bytes sets some kind of address.
according to the sourcecode the printer uses the following microcontroller: ATxmega32C4
WriteFirmwareToFlash: When a firmware update is done by the M3D software multiple packets are send in the following form: 'B' + byte1 + byte2 + payload.
to check if the controller is in 'Bootloader' mode the software sends an 'M115 '. If the result is 'B' followed by 3 numeric characters then it's in Bootloader mode otherwise it's in 'Firmware/Application' mode.
sending 'Q' (0x51) leaves the 'Bootloader' mode and goes into 'Firmware/Application' mode. However, sometimes it seems to Disconnect/Connect the serial port and then comes back in 'Bootloader' mode.
when you receive 'wait' messages you know that you're in 'Application' mode. Sending a gcode command like 'M115 ' returns 'e1' which is an error message meaning "Process parser returned not supported protocol.". I guess this is because the microcontroller expects a binary format (in the form of Repetier binary gcode?)
btw: the software contains some hardcoded serial numbers (BK=black, GR=green, OR=orange, SL=silver). Possibly followed by some date/time stamp: YYMMDD0hhmm: BK15033001100, BK15040201050, BK15040301050, BK15040602050, BK15040801050, BK15040802100, GR15032702100, GR15033101100, GR15040601100, GR15040701100, OR15032701100, SL15032601050.
Based on the experiments of evanchsa on the M3D forum I guess '0x82 0x10 0x00 0x00 0x73 0x00 0x06 0x46' is the binary version of M115 since it indeed returns the following when I send it to my Micro3D.
You can see mine is green and seems to be installed/shipped at May 15th 2015. The firmware version on the machine dates from 2015-04-27 which is weird since it should have been updated two days ago by the M3D software. Anyway, we're getting somewhere.