doorzoek alle code in alle branches
for branch in $(git branch -a | sed 's/^[* ]*//'); do
git grep "assert" $branch
download a folder from a repo
list files not under version control
git ls-files --others --ignored --exclude-from=.gitignore
git diff ignore line endings
git diff --ignore-cr-at-eol
git lfs
permanently remove a file from repo and history
git filter-branch --force --index-filter 'git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch FILENAME' --prune-empty --tag-name-filter cat -- --all
github cli
brew install gh
gh auth login
gh repo clone USER/REPO
git optimized for github
Symbolic link to github application
ln -s /Applications/GitHub\\ Desktop ~/bin/github
undo last commit
[[|stackoverflow]] git reset HEAD~
clone with dept 1
git clone --depth 1
delete a file from git history
(for example when you already deleted it but github keeps complaining about LFS large files)
git filter-branch --tree-filter 'rm bin/data/images/BalloonChair-Field.psd' HEAD
# better working solution:
git filter-branch --index-filter 'git rm -r --cached --ignore-unmatch ./' HEAD
github software errors on windows
WARNING: git command could not be found. Please create an alias or add it to your PATH.
WARNING: Could not find ssh-agent
Github Compare - compare two branches
Syncing a fork git remote -v #List the current configured remote repository for your fork. git fetch upstream
Splitting a subfolder out into a new repository
Remove sensitive data *
fatal: unable to access 'C:\Users\User/.gitconfig': Permission denied
the HOME env variable might be wrong. Try
set HOME
and fix it if needed by setting it to the right value or by removing it:
rem OR: set HOME=
flow for switching branches, removing untracked files, updating submodules
Warning: this will remove ALL untracked files and directories!!
git checkout master
git clean -xfdf # be careful with this!
git checkout OtherBranchWithSubmodules
git submodule update --init --recursive
remove all untracked files and folders including everything in .gitignore
git clean -xfdf
create alias for clone recursive
in ~/.gitconfig
clr = clone --recursive
graphical interface for git
set remote url
git remote set-url origin ""
info about remote url
git remote -v
How to commit my current changes to a different branch in git
git stash
git checkout other-branch
git stash pop
code completion for git
bashsudo port install git-core git-extras
undo 'git add' before commit
git reset FILE
create a new branch
git checkout -b Demo
een branch pushen die remote nog niet bestaat
git push --all
move subdir to separate git repo
clone specific branch recursively
git clone --recursive -b BRANCHNAME
compare two commits
git diff HEAD HEAD~
git diff HEAD HEAD~~
show all branches (local and remote)
git branch -a
show remote branches
git branch -r
clone a specific branch
git clone -b experimental
existing repo
cd existing_git_repo
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master
change url of remote origin
bashgit config remote.origin.url
open git config in editor
bashgit config -e
git remote update
a git remote update followed by a ''git diff'' shows the changes you will get for a ''git pull''
git pull
is a combination of ''git fetch'' and ''git merge''
force a push
git push -f origin RicksVersie
show branches with more information
git branch -av
show listing of commits
git reflog
move a branch
git branch -m master RicksVersie
git branch -m PetersVersie master
delete a local branch
bashgit branch -D crazy-idea
rename a local branch
bashgit branch -M oldname newname
git with colors
git config --global color.ui true
rollback /revert to last commit
not tested yet. [[|more info]]
git reset --hard HEAD
merge a branch into another branch
git checkout experimental
git merge master
merge specific files/folder from another git branch
#You are in the branch you want to merge to
git checkout <branch_you_want_to_merge_from> <file_paths...>
git (on github) keeps asking for password when using pull or push
You might have cloned the project over https. Check if this is the case using
git config -l
now change the remote origin to:
git config remote.origin.url
verwijder de 'Leiden' branch op de remote
git push origin :Leiden
verwijder een folder uit de cache
(niet uit je directory structuur)
git rm -r --cached libs/
git push origin NAME
als je een nieuwe branch hebt gemaakt op een andere computer dan moet je die branch nog handmatig pushen naar remote met:
git push origin NAME
If you are just after tracking someone else's project, this get you started quickly
git clone url = svn checkout url
git pull = svn update
git clone depth
git clone git:// –depth 1
GIT gui programs
By default a couple of GUI programs are installed with git, for browsing through history and committing etc.
git gui
you might first need to run ''sudo apt-get install gitk''
OSX git GUI's
open git config editor
bashgit config -e
this opens the file .git/config
if this not works because of an error in .git/config just open the file with nano:
bashnano .git/config
In je repository kun je zo iets pushen naar de server (bijv. github)
cd addons_rick/
git add ofxArcBall/
git commit -am "added ofxArcBall"
git push origin master
to go back to a revision:
git checkout revisionid
to bring the repository back to it's most recent state
git checkout master
Set up git
git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global
Get started with a newly created github repository
git init
touch README
git add README
git commit -m 'first commit'
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master
creating new remote git repository
git init
git --bare init
Permission denied (publickey)
You might be cloning a non-anonymous repository from github. If you just started using github (on your machine) github first needs to trust you. You can add the contents of ~/.ssh/ to the SSH public key list on github at your account settings. If you don't want that just clone the repository through https or readonly.
Some very usefull info about ssh keys etc:
Create id_rsa files with ssh-keygen
just run ''ssh-keygen''
Adding your public key to the server to remember your git user's password
scp ~/.ssh/
mkdir ~/.ssh
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
cat /tmp/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
interesting article
A successful Git branching model »
uitchecken van git project op onze server
hiervoor hebben we rick aan de 'git' groep toegevoegd met '''usermod -a -G git rick'''. Harmen deed ook nog iets met '''chgrp'''
git clone
Nieuw git project opzetten op onze server
cd git
mkdir newproject
cd newproject/
git --bare init
automatically pull from master
if you get this message:
If you often merge with the same branch, you may want to
configure the following variables in your configuration
branch.master.remote = <nickname>
branch.master.merge = <remote-ref>
remote.<nickname>.url = <url>
remote.<nickname>.fetch = <refspec>
open the .git/config file (ie. by ''git config -e'') and set the branch.master.remote to ''origin'' and the branch.master.merge to ''refs/heads/master''
repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = true
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
ignorecase = true
[remote "origin"]
url =
#fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
fetch = refs/heads/master
Eenmalig git configureren voor multi user repositories op de server
(for the record, want is nu al gedaan) Dit zorgt er voor dat bij een commit de gepushde files als group niet de userid krijgen van degene die een bestand heeft aangemaakt, maar de gedeelde group (bij ons 'git') waarbinnen iedereen schrijfrechten heeft.
sudo chmod -R g+ws *
sudo chgrp -R mygroup *
git repo-config core.sharedRepository true
remove origin from remote
git remote rm origin
git add
first do a ''git --bare init'' on the server
git remote add origin {url}
change editor for git
git config --global core.editor "nano"
in case of this error:
error: src refspec master does not match any.
error: failed to push some refs to ..
you're commit might went wrong or you just forgot to commit:
git commit -m 'first commit'
submodules in a project
see [[|this page]]
add submodule to a project (this means to clone another repo into a subfolder of your repo)
git submodule add git:// subfolder/test
git submodule update --init
remove a submodule
git rm --cached folder/submodule
you can also clone your repo recursively, that way also submodules are cloned.
git clone --recursive http://server/repo.git
pull git submodules
see the [[|git book]]
git submodule init
git submodule update
nog niet getest:
git submodule update --init --recursive
remove traces of wrongly removed submodules
git config -e
rm -rf .git/modules/*
fatal: Needed a single revision
cloning probably resulted in an empty folder. Delete the folder and try to clone again.
useful git commands
git list files
bashgit ls-files