
filmpje afkappen na 2:08 minuten

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -t 00:02:08 -c copy output.mp4

create list file for ffmpeg (with duration added)

thanks to: https://stackoverflow.com/a/51618079/6068235

for i in *.jpg; do echo file \'$i\'; done > list.txt
ffmpeg -f concat -i list.txt -vcodec mpeg4 -q:v 0 akte2.mp4

for i in *.png; do echo file \'$i\'; echo duration 0.03333; done > list.txt

scale and rotate video

... -vf "scale=2048:1024,transpose=3" ...

scale video while converting to rgb565

ffmpeg -i INPUT-2000x1000.mov -vcodec rawvideo -f rawvideo -r 18 -pix_fmt rgb565 -y -vf scale=2048:1024 OUTPUT-2k.565.raw

convert to rgb565

ffmpeg -i INPUT.mp4 -vcodec rawvideo -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb565 -y OUTPUT-rgb565.raw

png sequence into movie

ffmpeg -pattern_type glob -i "*.png" -vcodec mpeg4 -q:v 0 tmp.mp4

replace audio of a video keeping length of the shortest

ffmpeg -i IMG_8327.mp4 -i Motions.mp3 -c:v copy -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:0 -shortest new.mp4

convert for Whatsapp

crf 30 is lower quality. default is 23. (see: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Encode/H.264)

ffmpeg -i Flocking.mp4    -crf 23 -c:v libx264 -profile:v baseline -level 3.0 -pix_fmt yuv420p     FlockingWhatsapp.mp4

convert for Whatsapp, scale and remove duplicate frames

ffmpeg -i INPUT.MOV -c:v libx264 -profile:v baseline -level 3.0 -pix_fmt yuv420p -s 700x412 -vf mpdecimate,setpts=N/FRAME_RATE/TB -q:v 1 OUTPUT.MOV

convert multiple audio files to mp3

for foo in *.m4a; do ffmpeg -i "$foo" "${foo%.m4a}.mp3"; done

make 10x10 tile from each 586th frame (scaled)

ffmpeg -i 140001.mp4 -filter:v "scale=195:-1,select=(gte(n\,586))*not(mod(n\,586)),tile=10x10" -frames:v 1 -vsync vfr -y tile.jpg

stack videos horizontal + vertical

ffmpeg -i video1.mov -i video2.mov -i video3.mov -filter_complex "\
 [1:v]scale=960:-1[left]; \
 [2:v]scale=960:-1[right]; \
 [left][right]hstack[bottom]; \
 [0:v][bottom]vstack \
" -s hd720 -q:v 0 -vcodec mpeg4 output.mp4

stack videos vertical + horizontal

ffmpeg -i video1.mov -i video2.mov -i video3.mov -filter_complex "\
 [1:v]scale=960:-1[top]; \
 [2:v]scale=960:-1[bottom]; \
 [top][bottom]vstack[right]; \
 [0:v][right]hstack \
" -s hd720 -q:v 0 -vcodec mpeg4 output.mp4

export raw image sequence rgb24

ffmpeg -i airtraffic-2k-400f.mp4 -vcodec rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -f image2 -y raw/image%d.raw

higher quality

ffmpeg -i INPUT -vb 20M -q:v 0 -vcodec libx264 OUTPUT.mp4

high quality bitrate

ffmpeg -i INPUT -vb 20M -vcodec mpeg4 OUTPUT.mp4


ffmpeg -i intro.mov -vf "boxblur=5:1" intro-blur.mov

reinstall with libraries

If you already have ffmpeg installed, but not with the other libraries, use the reinstall command.

brew reinstall ffmpeg --with-opus

for web?

ffmpeg -i IN.mov -an -strict experimental -vcodec libx264 -f mp4 -crf 22 OUT.mp4

image fade in and out to movie

ffmpeg -loop 1 -i frame.png -frames:v 400 -vcodec mpeg4 -vf fade=in:0:25,fade=out:375:25  -y -q:v 0 output.mp4

create video with x frames from image

ffmpeg -loop 1 -i frame.png -vframes 400 -vcodec mpeg4 output.mp4

fade in and fade out

video of 45 seconds: fade starts at 40s, duration of fade is 5s. For video as well as for audio.

 ffmpeg -i INPUT.mp4 -vf "fade=t=out:st=40:d=5" -af "afade=t=out:st=40:d=5" OUTPUT-faded.mp4


ffmpeg -i 1.mp4 -y -vf fade=in:0:25,fade=out:375:25 inout.mp4

fade two videos and make same framerate

ffmpeg -r 25  -i 1.mp4 -y -vf 'fade=in:0:25,fade=out:375:25' -vcodec mpeg4 -q:v 0 -r 25 1-inout.mp4
ffmpeg -r 25  -i 2.mp4 -y -vf 'fade=in:0:25,fade=out:375:25' -vcodec mpeg4 -q:v 0 -r 25 2-inout.mp4

convert *.mjpeg to mp4


vardate=$(date +%Y\-%m\-%d); 

for i in *.mjpeg; do
    echo -n "Converting '$i'..."

    if [[ "$vardate.mjpeg" == "$i" ]]; then
        echo "SKIP"
        ffmpeg -i $i -vcodec mpeg4 -q:v 0 -loglevel error movies/$name.mp4
        # rm $i
        echo "OK"


sequence in folder to movie

if [[ $# -eq 0 ]] ; then
    echo 'Usage: ./toMovie.sh FOLDER'
    exit 0


echo Combining $folderpath/'*.png' to $foldername.mp4

ffmpeg \
  -pattern_type glob -i "$folderpath/*.png" \
  -vcodec mpeg4 \
  -q:v 0 \

convert mp4 to iPhone ringtone

seek to 6:45 then take 30 seconds of input

ffmpeg -y -ss 0:06:45 -t 30 -i cybernoid.mp4 -vn cybernoid.m4a
mv cybernoid.m4a cybernoid.m4r
# then drag the result into the 'Tones' folder of the iPhone in iTunes

image sequence / slideshow to gif

ffmpeg -i %d.png -s hd480 -y -filter:v "setpts=15*PTS" output.gif


ffmpeg -pattern_type glob -i "2017-06-07/*.png" -vcodec mpeg4 -y -q:v 0 test.mp4


HTTPPort 8090

<Feed bunny.ffm>
    Launch ffmpeg -i rtsp://

<Stream bunny.mjpeg>
    Feed bunny.ffm
    Format mpjpeg
    VideoCodec mjpeg
    ACL allow localhost
    ACL allow

<Stream stat.html>
    Format status
    ACL allow localhost
    ACL allow

even een snelle file in elkaar gezet als voorbeeld, zie config

als je dan start: ffserver -f bunny.conf

zie je hier een konijn http://localhost:8090/bunny.mjpeg

en hier de status http://localhost:8090/stat.html

In dit geval haal ik een rtsp stream binnen en voer die weer uit als mjpeg stream

Maar het kan nog super veel meer


Ik had het zelf nodig met 10 netwerk camera’s die per stuk maar 3 gelijktijdige streams aankunnen, door het door mijn eigen ffserver heen te gooien gebruik ik op elke camera maar 1 stream en kan ik het naar tientallen clients streamen.

Ook fijn als je een camera achter een router hebt zitten en je wel ergens een server hebt, kun je met ffserver die camera naar die server streamen en weer verder.


-q:v 0 is highest quality -q:v 31 is lowest quality

get / calculate number of frames

ffmpeg -i FILENAME -f null /dev/null

or add this to ~/.bash_profile

_fps() {
    ffmpeg -i "$1" -f null /dev/null
alias fps=_fps

set volume of audio

ffmpeg -i input.wav -af "volume=0.5" output.wav

gifenc (with speed)



ffmpeg -v warning -i $1 -vf "$filters,palettegen" -y $palette
ffmpeg -v warning -i $1 -i $palette -lavfi "$filters [x]; [x][1:v] paletteuse" -y $2

calculate framerate to get a desired number of frames

say you have 2500 frames. You want to get 300 frames. 2500/300=8.3. Use 8.3 as input framerate and use 1 as output framerate. (or 83 as input framerate and 10 as output framerate)

  ffmpeg -r 8.3 -i input.mp4 -vcodec mpeg4 -q:v 0 -r 1 output.mp4


  ffmpeg -r 83 -i input.mp4 -vcodec mpeg4 -q:v 0 -r 10 output.mp4


  ffmpeg -r 7.5 -f concat -i list.txt -vcodec mpeg4 -g 1 -q:v 0 -s 2048x1024 -r 1 -y output2.mov

HQ animated gifs with custom palette



file 'a-ceno.mov'
file 'b-cret.mov'
file 'c-jurtrias.mov'
file 'd-ltpaleo.mov'


ffmpeg -f concat -i list.txt -c copy output.mov

change speed

  ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf "setpts=(1/<speed>)*PTS" output.mp4

resize video to 480p or 720p

  ffmpeg -i INPUT.MOV -s hd480 OUTPUT.MOV

create animated GIF from sequence and specify framerate

  ffmpeg -r 2 -i screen-%04d.tif -y kochcurve.gif

more settings: http://superuser.com/questions/556029/how-do-i-convert-a-video-to-gif-using-ffmpeg-with-reasonable-quality/556031#556031

convert image sequence to movie

  ffmpeg -i output/frame%d.jpg -g 1 -y -q:v 0 -r 10  output.mp4

lossless skip first x seconds of mp3

  ffmpeg -ss 54 -i input.mp3 -acodec copy -y output.mp3

limit total number of frames (not changing framerate)

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vcodec mpeg4 -vframes 500 -q:v 0 output.mp4

cut / split video

ffmpeg -ss 00:01:22 -i Doodle3D.m4v -q 0 -vcodec copy -acodec copy -y tmp.mov
ffmpeg -ss 00:01:14 -t 00:00:31 -i Doodle3D-kickstarter-movie.mp4 -q 0 -vcodec copy -acodec copy -y tmp2.mp4

offset & seek

offset video (0.5 sec) & seek/skip to position in audio (0.3 sec):

ffmpeg -itsoffset 0.3 -i video-input.mp4 -ss 0.5 -i audio-input.mp3 -vcodec copy -acodec copy -y output.mov

fix aspect ratio

..... -s 900x720 -aspect 16:9 

-sameq vs -qscale

  • for video
    -q:v 0
  • for audio
    -q:a 0

add audio / soundtrack to movie

ffmpeg -i IMG_7966.MOV -i sound.mp3 -vcodec copy -acodec copy output.mov 

wellicht interessant

rawvideo / uncompressed avi

ffmpeg -i air_traffic_2048.mp4 -sameq -r 15 -vcodec rawvideo -y new.avi

more uncompressed info

combine jpg's with existing mjpeg movie (on Windows)

@echo off
cd /d %0\..
if exist clouds-queue\*.jpg (
  cat clouds-queue/*.jpg | ffmpeg -f image2pipe -vcodec mjpeg -i - -sameq -s 2048x1024 -f mjpeg -vcodec mjpeg -y new-clouds.mov
  ffmpeg -f mjpeg -i concat:"clouds2048.mov|new-clouds.mov" -c copy -y combined.mov

if exist combined.mov (
  del clouds2048.mov
  del new-clouds.mov
  move combined.mov clouds2048.mov
  move clouds-queue\*.jpg clouds-done\

combine multiple movies with ffmpeg

ffmpeg -f mjpeg -i <\
(  ffmpeg -v 0 -i 07h.mov -f image2pipe -vcodec copy -y /dev/stdout;
  ffmpeg -v 0 -i 08h.mov -f image2pipe -vcodec copy -y /dev/stdout;
  ffmpeg -v 0 -i 09h.mov -f image2pipe -vcodec copy -y /dev/stdout;
) -vcodec copy -an -y total.mov
stty echo
```# add non-sequence images to movie with cat and ffmpeg 

cat 2012050412*.jpg | ffmpeg -v 0 -f image2pipe -vcodec mjpeg -i  - -sameq -vcodec mjpeg -y 12h.mov

add new frames / image files to an existing mjpeg movie with ffmpeg

ffmpeg -f mjpeg -i <\
(  ffmpeg -v 0 -i clouds.mov -f image2pipe -vcodec copy -y /dev/stdout;
  cat clouds-queue/*.jpg | ffmpeg -v 0 -f image2pipe -vcodec mjpeg -i  - -sameq -vcodec mjpeg -f mjpeg -y -s 1024x512 /dev/stdout;
) -vcodec copy -an -y tmp.mov

rm clouds.mov
mv tmp.mov clouds.mov
mv clouds-queue/*.jpg clouds-done/

losse plaatjes omzetten naar filmpje met framerate en veel keyframes

ffmpeg -f image2 -r 1 -i frame-%04d.png -r 5 -g 1 -y -sameq -s 1024x512 output.mov

output framerate 10, keyframe on everyframe

ffmpeg -i ring.mov -r 10 -g 1 -sameq -y ring-10.mov```

# -r 1 sets input framerate to 1 
ffmpeg -r 1 -i image-%d.PNG -sameq -g 1 -y  A2-vegetation.mov```

# convert movie to iPad 
ffmpeg -i input.mov -acodec libfaac -ac 2 -ab 160k -s 1024x768 -vcodec libx264 -vpre slow -vpre ipod640 -b 1200k -f mp4 -threads 10 output.mp4```

# convert image sequence to movie 
ffmpeg -f image2 -i frame%03d.png -s 1024x512 output.mov```

# convert movie from canon ixus to mpeg 
ffmpeg -i MVI_0131.AVI -r 25 -sameq output.mov```

# rotate movie (with memcoder) 
mencoder -vf rotate=1 -o OUTPUT.AVI -oac copy -ovc lavc MVI_7590.AVI ```

# Remove audio from a movie 
ffmpeg -i input.mov -an output.mov```

# Combine jpg and mp3 audio to mpg 
(in this case portrait). Be sure to use RGB jpg's instead of CMYK.
ffmpeg -y -i vogels.jpg -loop_input -i vogels.mp3 -s 320x480 vogels320x480.mpg
ffmpeg -y -b 2500k -r 30 -i yellow-brick-road.jpg -i brand-new-day.mp3 -map 0:0 -map 1:0 -vsync 1 -sameq  -vcodec mpeg4 -s 320x480 result2.mp4```

# crop away black side bars 
ffmpeg -i in.mov -sameq -cropleft 104 -cropright 104 hands.mov

set start / offset time of input movie

-itsoffset needs to go before -i filename

ffmpeg -itsoffset 10 -i IMG_4699.MOV -s 640x360 -an -sameq hebbenEnHouden.mov

timelapse with ffmpeg / gstreamer